The Comet on Loch Ness

The Scotsman, Sep 3, 1912.

4 Rothesay Place, Edinburgh,
September 2,1912.
Sir,—I find that interesting references are being made in the newspapers of the centenary of the steam vessel called The Comet which began to sail in the West of Scotland in 1812. There were, I believe, a first and & second Comet. In one of these I, along with my mother, sailed from Invermoriston to Inverness in the summer of 1826. I have a distinct recollection of our being taken out it it from Invermoriston by a small boat, and I still see, "in my mind's eye,"- its paddle wheels splashing in the water, and of their becoming still as we approached it. I had not seen so large a vessel before, or, indeed, any steam vessel, and to me it appeared very large and wonderful.
I doubt whether there is anyone now alive except myself who remembers sailing in the Comet at that early date.
On the .arrival of my mother and me at Inverness on that occasion we took "The Duke of Gordon" stage coach to Aberdeen. I remember that the guard of the coach and I became very friendly, and that he gave me his horn to blow, but that all my efforts to bring sound out of it failed -to my great disappointment.'
These recollections come back to me as pleasant dreams. - I am, &c. Wm MACGILLIVRAY