Kyle To Invermoriston Sponsored Walk 1

From Moriston Matters, Issue 8, August 1978 .

Feet First Again.

In this issue we FEETURE oops sorry FEATURE prominently a projected FEET (Again!!) FEAT, the difficulty, readers, is that in writing this FEATURE it is hard not to think of FEET. (Getting it right now let's start again).

In this issue we FEATURE prominently a projected FEAT (phew!) by FEET (Ah!) in aid of Glenmoriston Village Hall. This hall has served its community long and well. Many will remember that for instance it has seen some of the friendliest and happiest dancing evenings in this area. It was we believe the last hall in this area to discontinue the old ceilidh-type practice of serving tea communally during an interval.... BUT times have changed and now the hall must be renovated and extended to meet the future needs of the community. Appropriate machinery has seen the awarding of grants towards realizing this end but in order to have the hall fully viable and operational a shortfall of over 1000 pounds must be reached by the community as soon as possible. And so to the FEET (sorry a slight lapse that!)... (with apologies to Sir Stanley Matthews).

And so the FEET of FEAT we are featuring is a major sponsored walk …. from Kyle of Lochalsh to Invermoriston a total distance of 52 miles. The date:
23rd September 1978

The following have undertaken to attempt this FEAT:
Margaret Smart, 7 Riverside Park
Allan Nairn, The Pier
Duncan MacDonald, 4 Riverside Park
Margaret Ferguson, Torgoyle has also indicated her willingness to take part provided she has no other commitments.

The Hall Committee has been approached and has given the project its blessing. It is to form a small ad hoc committee. The main purpose of this committee is to approach the various local firms and interests for support and already the Glen survey has offered 40 pounds, provided of course the walk takes place and is wholly or substantially completed.

The individual walkers will be responsible for getting as many sponsors as possible and for collecting the cash. The subcommittee will scrutinize all returns etc etc.

If anyone is not contacted in person and wishes to sponsor the project, forms are available at the following focal points:
The Inver Service Filling Station
The Glen Moriston Village Shop
The Glen Moriston Arms Pub etc.

Donations also (to the Hall funds) will be gratefully accepted - perhaps those who have left the district, to whom “Moriston Matters” finds its way may be interested.

The Hall Committee and walkers call on the whole Glen to support them - emotionally, morally and.... there was something else - oh yes - FINANCIALLY (but not, of course, physically!)

We refer to a recent FEAT went two men earned about £2000 by jumping off Connell ferry in aid of the community project. Walking from Kyle to Invermoriston is not of course a FEAT on the same scale, BUT still it is no mean FEET (Dash!) FEAT. Let's make, then, the 23rd September a CARNIVAL DAY IN GLENMORISTON (with a climactic dance in the Hall in the evening - in aid of Hall funds).

Note. The walkers will walk at their own risk. Persons under the age of 16 on the 23rd September 1978 will not be covered in any official way. Bearing that in mind, others are invited to join in and walk the whole way or any distance of the way they feel they can do.