Georgina MacDonald
From Moriston Matters, Issue 27, February 1982.
Georgie, as she was affectionately known was born at Redpark 90 years ago, one of a family of fourteen and died on January 5th. As is the way with big families she left home at an early age and worked in private service, first with the Lovat family alongside an elder sister, and then mostly in London where she met many notable people of whom she retained a clear memory and told many interesting stories. She often said that a great deal of her training and ability was based on the family life at Redpark where everyone had to help in the work of the home and the croft. When her sister was no longer able to keep house for their brother, Danny, she went home to Redpark and indeed looked after him devotedly. Once he retired from the job as county roadman he still kept himself busy with the craft and garden, although the landslide shearing down from Sron Na Muic in 1953 deprived him of one of his good fields. The garden was immaculate and productive and likewise the house was always bright and shining, well-ordered and yet with a leisurely welcome for visitors. When the modern new house rose on the site of the old Georgie appreciated its convenience and we are glad to think that she lived to enjoy its comfort with Margaret and the other members of the family. We would extend to them our sincere sympathy.